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Showing posts from June, 2010

Elizabeth Gilbert Woos Me Again With "Committed"

I was, and still am, a huge fan of the author's previous book "Eat, Pray, Love" (see note at end) and was beyond excited to hear she had another, follow-up, out on the shelves. I borrowed "Committed" from the library in an effort to save money, ha, and quickly realized I need to own a copy of my own as folding pages and making notes on scrap paper just wasn't cutting it. Alas, I wait. In the meantime, Elizabeth Gilbert has done it again, won my heart and admiration with her brilliant living and writing. A divorcee who never planned to marry again, Gilbert shares an open, frank and honest exploration of the institute of marriage in the wake of her impending nuptials (mandated by the US Department of Homeland Security.) Gilbert shows no fear, at least in dissecting marriage, as she dives in and thoroughly explores some unpleasant truths and statistics regarding the institute and its history. However, she concedes even statistics are not always valid due to