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Teen Carrie Love!

Before we get to the really exciting stuff, I want to recommend "Happiness Sold Separately" by Lolly Winston. Great book that explores real and raw emotions as the characters wander through infertility, marriage, temptation, etc. Very good but respectful transition....

I most recently finished reading "The Carrie Diaries" by Candace Bushnell and ohmygosh I absolutely loved it! I figured that any "Sex and the City" fan would be predisposed to like a prequel set in Carrie's high school years but let me tell you, this would definitely stand alone very well. SATC fans and wannabe writers will love and appreciate everything about it from Carrie's first love and musings on men, relationships and friendship to her emergence as a writer - complete with lots of sarcasm and drama. You're also made privy to the details on Carrie's family who play a large role in the book. And the ending...oh it's great, one of the best. Well done Ms. Bushnell! So now the question is...will "The Carrie Diaries" go straight to the box office? I think most would agree after the SATC movies, the big screen is the only way to go.

But, if someone even considers Miley Cyrus for the role (which I'd heard rumor of) I may flip out. Let me be perfectly clear, I think that would be awful and would totally ruin it for me. I'd be happy to offer my casting advice. Maybe a no-name would be best, no previous image or personality known to the public. Hell, I'll play her! I mean don't twenty-somethings typically play 18 year olds anyway? Call me.


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