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How Do I Fit My Workout In? Answer: Planning

We all struggle sometimes to balance everything we need and want to do in a day. Common advice is that we need to make the time for things that are truly important us. I know you may be eye-rolling thinking, but when? For me, it's getting up extra early. For others, maybe it's staying up late. For all of us, it's usually a trade off of some kind. The key to fitting a workout into your day is planning. 

Creating, and sticking to, a workout routine is all about the planning. Set yourself up for success by planning ahead and thinking of a workout as a given part of your day. This doesn't mean you can never take a day off but once routine is established it's so much easier to stick to. Conversely, once it's broken it can be more challenging to reestablish. More than two days off, the harder it will be to get back at it.

If you really want to workout, try what works for me to make a morning workout happen.

1. Plan It. 
Write it in your planner. Input it in your phone calendar. Whatever you may use, schedule your workout. There is satisfaction in checking it off later and accountability in having it scheduled as a "to do" in your day. Block a specific time for your workout. You're much more likely to do it than if it's just one more thing in the back of your mind.

2. Choose the Workout. 
Decide what type of workout you're going to do. If you're following a specific program or app that gives you a daily workout great! If not, it's worth your time in advance to plan out what you're going to do. Stretch, run, abs? A tabbata interval workout? Write down the different exercises you'll do. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)? Weights? Same thing. Write down the amount of reps and/or time for each exercise you will do. Then when you wake up, or predetermined time comes, you're already in the mindset of what you're going to do. You don't want to waste precious time trying to decide what to do, or only get a subpar workout in, because you were scrambling to think of and execute last minute.

3. Coffee. 
Prep and set your coffee maker the night before. Less to do in the morning, just hit brew before your shower or set the actual time for a pot to brew. 

4. Attire. 
Set out your clothes. Set out your clothes both for your workout AND for the rest of your day. I know this may seem a bit overkill but if you're waking up early to workout before work or kids or other responsibilities this helps save time in the morning. It is also very helpful if you are getting ready while a significant other is still sleeping. Working out later in the day? It will still help to set your clothes out or, if you're able, put them on first thing to wear until your workout.

5. Alarm. 
Set your alarm. This is helpful regardless the time of day, a schedule reminder to workout. For the morning, set your time to wake up giving a realistic amount of time to dress, workout, shower and dress before you need to start the rest of your day. If you've done all of the above, you shouldn't need to get up as early. It may take a few days to really get a feel for the amount of time you need.

6. Do Not Hit Snooze. 
When your alarm goes off, get up. Roll out of bed and turn on a light as quickly as you can. Knowing what workout you are going to do and having your clothes there should hopefully help get you moving without extra thought as you're still waking up. 

7. Ready to Refuel.
Have something quick and easy on hand to help you refuel. I personally love a good protein bar however you could prep a shake or oatmeal in advance, or make pretty quickly. Greek yogurt and berries is another quick and yummy choice.

8. Mindset.
Your mindset is key. If you make the plan and commit to it you will have a much easier time getting that workout in and feeling great. If you've already given yourself an out, or are wishy-washy in your head, you're more likely not to do it.

Listen, I'm not excited when my alarm goes off. I don't always spring up. But I do notice a huge difference if I already have excuses ready in my mind, if I passed the day before, if I say I'll do it later, as compared to when I get up and tackle it as a non-negotiable start to my day.

You have to figure out what works best for you to fit it in but if you make a commitment to make it happen, and plan accordingly, you will get it done!


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