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Make Your Dreams Come True

I wrote the following a long time ago, like a few years ago. It's funny reading it now and of course so many out there are just trying to survive, literally. While others may be re-evaluating this or that in their life. But, hey, no time like a pandemic to set new goals and make your dreams come true...question mark? (Ron Burgundy, if you know, you know.)


 🎵"The time is now or never, 

to make your dreams come true. 

You gotta wake up and pay attention." 🎵

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

“What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?”

“If it were easy everyone would do it.”

“Live what you love.” - “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” - “You have to start somewhere.”

“Lean In.”

Lean out. Do the Hokey Pokey. Shake it allll about (ok sorry.)

“Make time.” - “Just Do It.”

The list goes on and on and ugh, does anyone else just want to scream or go cry in a corner somewhere with a bottle of wine (or maybe flavored vodka, a spiked seltzer?) No? Well then you’re an asshole or you’re lying. Or, I guess you could be a very lucky person who has achieved all of your dreams. Odds are, male or female, you really don’t feel like you “have it all”. Dream job you’re passionate about - awful personal life. #Blessed and beautiful family - hate your job, no job, just trying to pay the bills. Or for some, straight up awful all around and to you, I am truly sorry. I’m rooting for you. (Now get off your ass and make something happen in at least one of those arenas.)

We are all so busy and we want everyone to know just how much we “don’t have time for that.” Well I’m tired of it. I am so Jessie Spano, nervous breakdown, tired of it. There are not enough hours in the day – we can all feel that no matter what our situation may be. I recently tried this crazy thing, staying up later than my self-imposed bedtime, and you know what? Yeah, there were more hours in the day but then less sleep, and honey I need my sleep. The only way to try to do that is to refuse to stay up late doing things because there is always more you could do, even if what you’re ‘doing’ is having mandatory relaxation time watching tv. That is legit. *Edit to say I have started waking up extra earlier to make my work out happen because, pandemic. I need it, mentally & physically, and you know the whole hours in a day and everyone home all the time shenanigans.*

So, how are we supposed to “do it all” and “make it happen” when things just aren’t going the way we want or we want to make a big change? I sure as hell do not have magic beans or a “freeze” app to make time stand still (although that would be amazing and I think actually extremely helpful, come to think of it…)

I don’t know. I guess we all just try to “do the best we can with what we’ve got” and “make the most of things” and all sorts of other awesome clichés but at the end of the day, deep down, we know that those first ones are true. 

Successful people make shit happen. They sacrifice and work hard and yeah, maybe have some super sweet luck on their side, or a rich relative or something. The point is, we have to figure it out. Maybe if we say it out loud and have some sort of an adult buddy system, you know like the fitness challenge groups (ie. Beachbody) or Weight Watchers (now WW) people do? Just a thought…what are you dreaming about?


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