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Cauliflower Rice Favorites

We weren't the first to get in on the healthy cauliflower trend but once we tried it we were hooked! Cauliflower Rice is a staple in our house. When we first tried it we bought heads of cauliflower and made it ourselves. Then I discovered riced cauliflower in the frozen foods sections of our grocery stores. Game changer. I'm never going back. Not that making it yourself is hard but I love me some frozen steam fresh veggie bags! I love the cauliflower rice and have used it in so many ways. We didn't have rice that much before, intentionally, but now we sub the cauliflower rice and include with many more meals.
Our family's favorites are...

Taco (Tuesday) Bowls
What you need:
  • 2.25 lbs Ground Beef (for 5+ servings)
  • Taco Seasoning 
  • 1 bag frozen steam fresh Cauliflower Rice
  • Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese (lots)
  • 4 Ripe Avocados 
  • 1 Chopped Onion or Onion Seasoning
  • Garlic Salt/Powder
  • Hot Sauce
  • Lite Sour Cream (lots)
  • Tortilla Chips
  • 1 Diced Tomato and/or Salsa
First we usually make our guacamole, assuming the ripeness of the avocados times up. Put the ripe avocados in a manual food processor, one at a time, and mash up to desired consistency. (If you don't have a food processor just use a fork.) Mix in garlic, onion/seasoning and some hot sauce to flavor for a quick and easy guac. Taste test then put in fridge to chill.

Brown your meat on the stove. We like to have leftovers so for our family of five we'll do 2+ lbs. Once browned, drain. Season using taco seasoning. (We finally realized you can buy a big shaker of it instead of using packets every week, ha!) Cover on low heat.

Throw your cauliflower rice in the microwave and get out your sour cream, shredded cheese, chips, salsa and guac. If you like fresh tomatoes chop those up. My people do not necessarily. Put your cauliflower rice in a bowl and then you are ready to build your taco bowls per personal preference. 

Chicken 'Fried Rice'
What you need:
  • 2.5-3 lbs Chicken (for 5+ servings)
  • 1 bag frozen steam fresh Cauliflower Rice
  • 1 bag steam fresh Peas
  • 1 bag steam fresh Broccoli
  • Soy sauce
  • Optional: 2 eggs
Cook chicken thoroughly. It's helpful to cut the chicken into smaller chunks to cook faster. Cook your veggies in the microwave (or do fresh and saute in oil if prefer.)
Cook your cauliflower rice in the microwave as well. You can combine all in a large skillet or pot to saute for finish. Optional eggs to add in and fry. Combine all and add soy sauce to liking.

Greek Kebob Rice
What you'll need:
  • 2.5-3 lbs Steak (for 5+ servings)
  • 1 Squash
  • 1 Zucchini 
  • 1 bag frozen steam fresh Cauliflower Rice
  • 2 cups Plain Greek Non-Fat Yogurt
  • 1 Seedless Cucumber (or cut center/seeds out)
  • 4-5 Garlic cloves minced (or pre-minced garlic)
  • 1 tsp White Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Salt
Mix Tzatziki Sauce first: Finely chop cucumber in food processor with a little salt. Drain the excess moisture/water out. You can use a fine calendar, a cheesecloth or even paper towels if needed. Squeeze and get as much of the water out as you can. Set aside.
Combine garlic, white vinegar, olive oil and pinch of salt by hand in a medium bowl. Add cucumber to the mix. Then stir in your yogurt. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

Clean and slice squash and zucchini to grill. Toss in large bowl with 2 Tbsp olive oil and 1 Tbsp garlic salt. Grill or cook on stove to taste. Grill steak to taste then cut into small chunks. Cook cauliflower rice in the microwave. Combine steak and veggies over rice and drizzle with Tzatziki to enjoy!


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