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Dear Parents, on the Return of School

Love letter to all you parents out there, with a special shout out to the parents who are also teachers!! 
By now most schools are back in session in some way, shape or form and we're all feeling all the feelings. Or maybe you're too busy to (let yourself) feel anything right now and it's going to catch up with you later. Or you're a big fake it til you make it person. Or you're a robot. Those are your options.

The word "unprecedented" has been used an unprecedented number of times. So much so that there's a meme wishing for 'precedented' times. 

No matter what your school year is starting like, there's some element of change: new protocol, procedures, schedule, physical location, teaching style, requirements, and resources, oh my! So much research, analysis, planning and work has been done in order to get this school year under way. Whether your kids are distance learning online at home, going to the actual building, or a "hybrid" of both, the mix of emotions about this school year is real. 

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, are working from home or venturing to your place of business, the juggle is all too real too. As a mom of three (2 school age, 1 toddler), working full time from home, trust me I know. There are days you feel like a great mom but an awful employee and there are days you killed it at work but lost it with your kids, and spouse. The juggling act is hard enough without a pandemic. Then there are the magical unicorn days where you're feeling like you got this and deserve that Wonder Woman title.

There are no experts on how to parent and work and approach this school year because, say it with me, this is unprecedented. There are however lots of various experts in related fields offering their suggestions on how to handle different aspects and stressors, how to help kids adjust to the changes and returning in general. Sometimes these are helpful and sometimes you just need to look away and go with your gut before you get overwhelmed.
And the Facebook groups. Oh the groups. I don't know about your community but we have about 1 million new groups as a result of this school year. While we were weighing our options for this school year it was so overwhelming. (And yes we were very fortunate to have options.) I found myself going down a black hole of posts and comments, some questioning the details and logistics of going or not, others sharing COVID related statistics and articles, some expressing their own concerns and fears, or lack thereof. Groups added and changed reflecting a divide, and the strong feelings had by all. Some people meant well. Others seemed intent on being the expert and voice of reason. Regardless, it was all too much and I had to stop looking for awhile and come up for air. I had to distance myself from everyone else's commentary to clear my head and really think about what our school was proposing. And when they said, "more information to come", simply wait for that information, straight from the source.

After 5.5 months, our kids are back at school, hybrid style, and they are so so happy. It's a weird thing but also a very welcome, normal thing, even if it is not how it used to be. We know our district has worked so hard to welcome our kids back safely and feel good about all they have done, and continue to do, to keep the students and staff healthy. We recognize not all districts have the ability, nor the resources, to do all that ours has and, of course, that some areas are at a higher risk level right now with very different recommendations. No one family has the same situation. If you were also fortunate to be able to make a choice, you had to do what was best for your kids, your family, with the information at hand.

I hope you all are at peace with whatever the school year looks like for you. Whatever it is has to be better than the Spring! Good luck to all the parents, teachers, staff, and other special grownups helping to give our children an education. 

And cheers to making the time for the things that fuel you! Lord knows we need it now more than ever.

Note: If you are wanting advice on back to school, Nationwide Children's Hospital shared a guide full of helpful insights, tips and resources for all things back to school in the age of COVID. 


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