So, I've been waiting and thinking and changing my mind about how and when to do book and movie reviews on here. At first I thought a whole blog dedicated to comparing movies to the books they originated from. Then I thought, no that's too much work and I may have to read or watch something I really don't want to just to feel like I'm covering it all. Eh, pass. Now I'm thinking one day a week or once a month. We shall see. Look for something next week however to kick things off as I think I just may have some free time opening up....
Have you read any of Dan Brown's novels?? If you haven't, you should. Right away. There's been some controversy surrounding his work in the past but I think regardless of personal religious beliefs, or lack thereof, they are indisputably interesting and SO good! Years ago I read "The Da Vinci Code" and absolutely loved the it. The movie was pretty good for what it was, from what I can remember. However I've heard "Angels and Demons" was even better. Sadly I didn't get around to reading that one before seeing the movie, which I loved, and can see why others said that story served a better novel than the other. As always, I'm sure there was more to the storyline surrounding the Vatican and how it unraveled than they were unable to pull together in the movie but it's hard to imagine. Without reading it the movie seemed pretty intricate and complete but I know from experience that there's likely details or meaning that I didn't p...
I'm an avid reader. Mostly historical and romance, but I pretty much like anything.