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Symbols and Intrigue Galor: Dan Brown!

Have you read any of Dan Brown's novels?? If you haven't, you should. Right away. There's been some controversy surrounding his work in the past but I think regardless of personal religious beliefs, or lack thereof, they are indisputably interesting and SO good!

Years ago I read "The Da Vinci Code" and absolutely loved the it. The movie was pretty good for what it was, from what I can remember. However I've heard "Angels and Demons" was even better. Sadly I didn't get around to reading that one before seeing the movie, which I loved, and can see why others said that story served a better novel than the other. As always, I'm sure there was more to the storyline surrounding the Vatican  and how it unraveled than they were unable to pull together in the movie but it's hard to imagine. Without reading it the movie seemed pretty intricate and complete but I know from experience that there's likely details or meaning that I didn't pick up on as it flashed by and missed out on the written descriptions. Reading what a writer paints among the pages allows you to savor versus quickly devouring. The story was intriguing and interesting as always as he weaves and blurs the lines between fact and fiction about the powerful Catholic church. In true Dan Brown fashion it was full of mystery, action, twists and turns...which spiced it up just when you thought you'd figured it out.

A few weeks ago I finished "The Lost Symbol" which may arguably be my favorite out of all three. The combination of history, a myriad of religions and theology, mythology, symbology, architecture, science, etc. Again, incredibly interesting, his storytelling has you on pins and needles anticipating what will come next. There came a point where I thought he had revealed everything and I could predict the remaining chain of events, wondering how there could still be so many pages left. Well, clearly, I was wrong and he mixed it up again. The novel makes you rethink what you know and what you believe which is why there has been so much controversy surrounding him, which he addresses through his character Professor Robert Langdon a bit in this book. He pushes you to question what is and is not fiction, what is truly historical fact versus an interpretation, and the literal versus metaphorical. It's fascinating and one I urge everyone to read regardless of background or beliefs. If nothing else it's an incredible work of fiction, a real page turner!


  1. I read Angels and Demons first and liked it slightly better than Davinci Code... I was living in Europe when I read both of them which added a bit of mystique to the experience. I was all excited the day I finished the DaVinci Code because I was in Paris about to visit the Louve the following day only to find it closed. Yup, The Louve is closed on Tuesdays so don't get up early and plan your whole final day in Paris around touring the museum. It tends to be a big let down. But I blame Dan Brown for building it up as much as my own ignorance. Makes it easier for me... Anyways, Good post - I'm adding it to my list!

  2. Oooh good to know for future travels my friend! Definitely read "The Lost Symbol". There will be a movie coming out on this one too. Thanks for the comment!


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