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Love for "Heart of the Matter"?

I was incredibly excited to hear about a new release from a favorite author of mine: Emily Giffin. I texted, BBMed, Tweeted and Facebooked about the fact that Ms. Giffin had a new book out, "Heart of the Matter", that we all needed to promptly acquire and discuss. What do you know? Three of my friends actually ran out and bought a hard cover copy! This of course meant that I didn't have to put myself on yet another long wait list at The Columbus Metropolitan Library but could borrow it. Clutch.

However, about half way through I seriously wanted to throw the book across the wall, frustrated at what readers knew was happening. Despite the fact that it was wrong, what was happening (no spoilers!) made some happy while destroyed others. Just depends on your perspective I guess as to whom you identify with and root for while reading. I must say, Giffin must have written it well for me to care enough for her characters to feel such strong emotion, and not all negative haha. Emily Giffin always writes very real, multidimensional, smart women and even when a reader, or a character, thinks something is black and white, she explores the gray. Woman after my own heart. In the end, I'm not sure how I felt about the story and if the characters (all of them) did the 'right' thing for themselves and for one another. I am sure though, that she's a wonderful writer and great storyteller. Ah, the moment when I finally (a little late) figured out the connection to her previous books was so beautiful.

All in all, I would recommend "Heart of the Matter" and think she told a good, very real story, flushing out three very different perspectives. I hope she keeps writing and the next one is even better!


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