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Mid Eastern Reading Recommends

[Never Claimed To Be A Photographer]
Multiple people have recommended that I read the New York Times Best Seller "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. However, I have to admit I've begun with some trepidation and am not very far into Mortenson's inspirational tale. While the gist of the story sounds interesting, the writing is not to my taste and I find myself criticizing the abundance and frequency of commas and elaborately compound sentences. I would still like to get through it as I've heard it is an amazing true story but it may just have to be a slow side read.

Intro my most recent recommendation, "Girls of Riyadh" (or Banat al-Riyadh) by Rajaa al Sanea. This one was introduced to me just this week as a co-worker not only recommended the novel but lent me her copy. Compared to a Saudi version of my beloved "Sex and the City", how could I resist?? Taking place in Saudi Arabia, and originally ban by the Saudi government, the novel explores the lives of four women a far cry from New York City. As a "westerner" I'm very curious and eager to learn more about the female experience in such a highly stereotyped society. After reading just the writer's note I knew I had to read.

Will let you know!


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