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Holy YA Bloggers (and a laptop couch fire) !

Finally! Do you know how long it took me to get a new post to open?? I mean seriously, I could've written the entire thing in my head and forgotten it by now, twice. My laptop is four years old and we're trying to keep her alive. Why? I don't know. She overheats and is SUCH a moody little bitch. She gets the most ridiculous hot flashes that ones fears she'll cumbust into flames at any moment. Next thing you know your legs are on fire and the awesome leather sectional is burning. Yes, burning, real fire people, and you're thinking 'will my husband save my legs or the couch?' Talk about skin damage, geez louise. Ok, sorry I'm going to stop. Stopping. We don't want to tempt fate. However, I sincerely do feel as though it could happen at any second - except for the part about choosing between me or the couch. Obviously he'd better choose me but first he'd have to believe me and/or see flames. Fair enough; it's pretty far fetched that this would actually happen.

Back to the original reason and inspiration for my post: Teen and Young Adult Bloggers. Holy pajamas there's so many of them! And they're smart and well-organized too. Who knew?! Well established and presented blogs in which they review books intelligently and have developed grading systems....they even have authors send them materials? What?? Why in the heck didn't I think of this? I mean I did. You know I did, but why didn't I put it into action in a real way? Oh yeah...blogs didn't exist when I was in high school and college, not the way they do now. On top of that, while I have always absolutely loved to read and write, back then there was a thing called limited computer time in which you had to share with the rest of your family. Oh and homework. I used the computer to research (sort of), talk on AIM and write papers. In college it was more of the same and spent plenty of time on the computer without extra 'blog surfing'. What about now you ask? Well, some of us have full time jobs in which we cannot freely surf the Internet for our personal pleasures, reading and posting things all day long. No, but we have BlackBerries and check what others post and Social Media. Then, after sitting at a computer all day (oh and having a life) it's hard to make time to search the ridiculously large blogosphere. I know, excuses excuses. The truth is I'm just bitter and jealous of these smart little bloggers doing what I would love to do but haven't. Shoot. Double shoot, and poop.

Time for "Big Brother" (on DVR) to totally cheer me up and make my night great again. That, and a Popsicle.


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